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绿色 & Clean: Parks as 水 Infrastructure

Urban parks serve as important spaces for recreation and relaxation, while also reducing heat islands, serving as habitat and improving wellness. 但他们也可以做得更多. As 我们之前写过, 通过结合工程, landscape architecture and urban design, they can also serve important and cost-effective water management functions. 的 公共土地信托 expanded...

By IBI 的见解



Urban parks serve as important spaces for recreation and relaxation, while also reducing heat islands, serving as habitat and improving wellness. 但他们也可以做得更多. As 我们之前写过, 通过结合工程, landscape architecture and urban design, they can also serve important and cost-effective water management functions. 的 公共土地信托 expanded on the potential benefits of this green & blue combination in a new report: 城市公园,清洁水源. Exploring the opportunities, challenges and issues to consider in employing parks as storm water infrastructure, the report also details five contemporary examples of parks that have 成功 在这个角色中. Integrating green and blue infrastructure is not without it’s challenges; it’s important to measure soil density and storm water pollution, and to recognize existing park uses, but such an approach can also 减少水污染, save millions in infrastructure spending, enhance parks as amenities and catalyze nearby development. 也许最重要的是, enhancing land use efficiency by combining functions underlines the value of further integrating distinct yet related city-making fields. Better cities result from smarter processes.
