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Could driverless cars actually make our streets more dangerous? 以可怕的法航447航班事件为例, 《AG真人试玩网址》概述 how a growing reliance on technology can lead to a shortage of experience when a human controller is needed most. The idea that technology designed to increase our safety could actually lead to greater...

By IBI 的见解



Could driverless cars actually make our streets more dangerous? 以可怕的法航447航班事件为例, 《AG真人试玩网址》概述 how a growing reliance on technology can lead to a shortage of experience when a human controller is needed most. The idea that technology designed to increase our safety could actually lead to greater danger is known as the 自动化的悖论. 无人驾驶汽车, 逻辑是这样的,没有动机, 甚至是机会, 练习:在具有挑战性的条件下练习, human drivers will be a greater danger to themselves and others when they are forced (or choose) to respond in a crisis situation.

而《AG真人试玩网址》的文章是挑衅性的, 并勾勒出一个可怕的场景, 值得注意的是,在其22年的历史中, this is the only case where the 自动化的悖论 led to an A330 crash. 考虑到数百人, 如果不是每天成千上万的A330航班的话, 这是个不错的记录, even when multiplied to reflect the number of risks drivers and cars face/cause on the road. However, the 自动化的悖论 brings up parallels with Jevon悖论, which is also relevant in the driverless car discussion. In this case, more efficient use of time while commuting could make for 更多,更长的旅程,和蔓延. 记住这一点, the potential for induced-demand and even greater sprawl appear to be the true danger that driverless cars create.

It’s vital to note that while city-makers can help inform decision-makers, we won’t be the ones deciding whether driverless cars are allowed on our streets. Many city-makers appear to over-estimate our influence in this regard, or downplay the speed with which this technology is emerging. 我们能做的是 帮助通知和制定政策 that incentivizes shared, on-demand vehicles over privately owned zombie cars. This is particularly important given that, as of late 2015, only 少数几个城市 were actively considering driverless cars in their mobility and transportation strategies. Compounding the challenge, most policies related to driverless cars will be crafted at 联邦 or 省/州 level, where city-makers typically have less influence than at the city-level. 显然,还有很多工作要做. Mercedes has fired the first salvo in promoting privately-owned driverless cars, 用这个, which will kill pedestrians rather than the driver, should the situation arise. 在一个 新的宣传片, Tesla also appears to promote the private-ownership vision as well.

It’s also important to consider that the result of driverless car policy decisions will be felt far beyond our streets. Rather than focusing on the technology or specifics of transportation, we would be smart to consider the city as a whole – and how it can be made better for the people who live and work there – not just new technology. 为无人驾驶汽车做好充分准备并非易事, 但如果汽车历史有任何迹象的话, 对他们的反应将是灾难性的.

*图片来源: 乔恩·伯克利
